These Productivity Tips Will Help you Stay Productive Everyday

Navi Kashfa
4 min readJun 24, 2021

Something that I’ve been asked a lot is how I stay productive. Of course, like everyone else, I am not productive all the time and I think it’s important to stress that it’s okay to have days where you are, not that productive and just relax. But that being said, I have learned some tips and techniques that have helped me a lot with productivity and motivation and I thought I could share those tips with you. These are not going to be like mind-blowing revolutionary tips but rather some simple tips that have helped me with getting my stuff done. So I hope that you’ll enjoy. Let’s just get started.

Make a To-Do List

My first tip is to have a to-do list. So I just write down everything that I have to do to get a better overview of it. And if something else comes up, I follow the two-minute rule, which is that if you can do the tasks in two minutes, you do it right then but if it takes longer time then you write it on your list. I also find it helpful to add times to my tasks. I just find that it becomes more structured.

Create a Daily Routine

My next tip is to create a daily routine. I’m so you get used to doing specific tasks, add specific times. It does not have to be detailed at all, but more like a rough outline of your day, but I find it helpful to have set times for some of the tasks that I need to complete every day.

Turn off Your Phone

So my next tip, Is to turn off your phone while working or studying or at least turn off your Wi-Fi. You could use an app that encourages you to stay off your phone for a set amount of time. Or you could just place your phone somewhere out of reach. In order to be productive, you have to be in an environment that you can feel productive in. So you could try out different working environments, like, home the library or a cafe to find out where you were the best. If I take some extra steps to make my environment enjoyable such as by lighting, a scented candle. If your body doesn’t get what it needs, it won’t function. Well so it’s important to stay hydrated and to make yourself a snack while studying and if you are working or studying for a longer period of time, you obviously need something more than a few fries. But yeah that’s just what I had in order to stay motivated and productive is important to take breaks and not study for extended periods of time. A lot of people like using the Pomodoro method but I find that I work best. If I work for 55 minutes and then take a 10 minute break.

Brain Stimulating Games

And my next tip is to stay productive during your breaks. You could, for example and do one of the less time-consuming tasks on your list, you could do something that stimulates your brain such as doing mind games or solving Sudoku. Or I crossword or reading a chapter in your book. I would also recommend that you go outside for some of your brakes just to get some fresh air to clear up your mind. Something that has helped me a lot with productivity is to split your main goal up into several smaller ones, your tasks will just feel a lot less overwhelming. And at least, for me after, I’ve completed one of these smaller goals, I’ll feel more motivated and productive to do the next one.

Start with Boring Tasks

My next tip is to start with the most boring tasks first. Because let’s be honest, you’re probably not going to be more motivated to do them after you’ve completed. A lot of other tasks and my final tip is to have rewards that will motivate you to get your work done. It does not have to be anything fancy. It could be watching a YouTube video and episode of your favorite TV series, having a well-earned snack or Maybe going out with your friends, it’s just easier getting your tasks done when you know, you have something fun that you’re going to do afterwards. So that is it for my productivity tips. I hope some of these tips can help you as well and that you liked this video. So thank you so much for watching and I will see you next week with another video.



Navi Kashfa

Writing is more than just words, it’s a way to connect with others